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Showing posts from October, 2016

Who's on my ballot? My Local Election Research

I've  said before that I'm not great at following local news and politics.  I guess in my mind the world is so huge, and Indiana is so small, so I focus more on national and global news and politics.  But I'm trying to be better!  I always research local candidates before I vote, and want to share my research here to make it easy for people in my community to research candidates too. (Please note: The above GIF is the last fun thing your eyes will see in this post.) This is not academic research.  Wikipedia is my favorite source for its ease of use and because it seems to be less biased in its reporting.  Some candidates aren't a big enough deal to have wikipedia pages, so I chose the first site I could find on them, sometimes their own candidacy site (not ideal, but hey).  Names will be linked to my sources.  I'm not going into great detail, but more taking notes for myself to remember what stood out to me about each candidate--this is definitely a biased