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Showing posts from November, 2016

Cutting the Cord

NOTE: This is from 2016, and options and prices have changed significantly. As well as TV watching habits both nationally and in our home. So while this could be a good general introductory guide, I'd suggest going other places for current options and prices. In case you missed it, "cutting the cord" refers to ending traditional cable/satellite tv services.  I've been researching different methods for a while, but I got really motivated to learn more when our DirecTV promotional offer ended a couple weeks ago, and our cable bill went from $55/month (I know, not cheap in the first place) to $95/month.  That's a ton of dough! Weston's initial reaction to my first dozen mentions of cutting the cord was basically, "No.  I need sports."  Other concerns included getting the channels/content we wanted, and DVR (we rarely watch live tv). So I hit the google to see what I could find.  First, I'll discuss content service alternatives, DVR, ...

Tech-Sorrows: Mobile Pay & Masculine Smartwatches

I consider myself an extremely amateur tech enthusiast.  I enjoy browsing CNET  and other sites for reviews on the latest or anticipated technology or electronics.  I am so excited about the future of technology--SmartHomes, Self-driving Cars, Green Energy.  It's coming and it's beautiful! But today I want to mope about the slow progress. Mobile Pay Most of my spending is on Chase credit cards.  And Chase was painfully slow in getting on board for Android Pay.  I'm excited about mobile payment.  It is awesome and easy to hold your phone up to the register instead of fumbling through a purse/wallet. (Also, I've had times where I get to the store or even to the register, and realize I don't have my wallet.)  But it's also more secure than using a credit card!  The register doesn't get your credit card number or personal information.   Here 's an article that goes into it more, but basically: "When your phone makes a payment via...

2016 Presidential Election

Shockingly, Trump won. Not shockingly, I'm among the deeply disappointed.  I've been a vocal Hillary supporter since January.  Here's what's on my mind: 1. I'm disappointed that it seems most people voted straight-ticket this election.   Personally, I think that's a cop out vote.  Straight-ticket voting abstains the voter from the responsibility to do any research--it's for the lazy and for people too partisan to consider personal characteristics of those for whom they are voting. Personally, I'm annoyed with our two-party system in general because it polarizes us and diminishes individual political thought and discussion.  Even with our system, I wish candidates would be listed without their party affiliations, and that the straight-ticket option were removed.  Then, voters would have to at least look up the people on their ticket to see which belong to their party so they can vote.  They might have a chance of learning something other...