NOTE: This is from 2016, and options and prices have changed significantly. As well as TV watching habits both nationally and in our home. So while this could be a good general introductory guide, I'd suggest going other places for current options and prices. In case you missed it, "cutting the cord" refers to ending traditional cable/satellite tv services. I've been researching different methods for a while, but I got really motivated to learn more when our DirecTV promotional offer ended a couple weeks ago, and our cable bill went from $55/month (I know, not cheap in the first place) to $95/month. That's a ton of dough! Weston's initial reaction to my first dozen mentions of cutting the cord was basically, "No. I need sports." Other concerns included getting the channels/content we wanted, and DVR (we rarely watch live tv). So I hit the google to see what I could find. First, I'll discuss content service alternatives, DVR, ...