I've been researching basic cyber security since Buzz-kill Braden told me I should secure my new smart thermostat. This time last week, I was definitely a Cyber Security Dummy. Since I've learned a few simple basics, I thought I'd write a blog about it to help my Cyber Security Dummy friends. To note, we have the Apple Airport Extreme, which made it really easy to make these adjustments. I haven't used other routers, but the internet should be able to help you figure out yours. I mean, come on. 1. Rename your Wi-fi network. Your wifi network name should not contain personal information like your name or address. That information can help hackers target you. 2. Have a good password. You should definitely change it from the default password that comes on your device, as those can be found online. And your password should have capital and lower-case letters, and numbers. But the most effective way to prevent password hacking it ...